In late October I ringed my latest ever brood of Barn Owls and this fellow was the oldest of the brood of three. With late broods it is always going to be touch and go whether or not they manage to survive the perils of their first Winter and so it was particularly pleasing to find him again yesterday on his new territory. He has chosen very well and the field margins that surround the crops are providing fantastic hunting opportunities and this can clearly seen by the pictures below. I am sure that he will join the breeding population later in the season.
As a chick October 2013 |
Mature plumage April 2014 |
Food Cache |
Productive Field Margin |
Today I found this much more experienced male who had been ringed as a chick in April 2007. He is the second oldest Barn Owl that I have ever recovered and he is currently breeding with a new two year old partner and their chicks will be fledging later in the season
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